Remastered Elite OTA Helmet
The fan-favorite Combine Elite units have been an iconic staple in gaming for almost 20 years, complete with their rugged, retro textures, and low-poly presentation, yet still one of the most mysterious entities in the Half-Life series. In order to bring this relic of gaming to the modern age, I have remastered the helmet from the ground up, based off of its original design!
6,488 polys, 2 materials
Terms of use: Upon purchase, you hereby agree to not resell, nor redistribute this model, nor its textures. You will not share this model or its textures with those who have not already purchased it, even if modified.(For use in VRChat, you are allowed to put it on a public avatar). You also agree that you are not being forced, pressured, or under the influence while purchasing this product. Refunds will not be granted.
You will have access to the Remastered Elite Helmet model and its textures.